Leading, Bangalore based developer implements FalconBrick solution across 12 projects, achieves improved contractor accountability & performance

Leading, Bangalore based developer implements FalconBrick solution across 12 projects, achieves improved contractor accountability & performance.


The developer has multi-city operations, across cities. They have implemented at 12 residential projects across 3 cities – Bangalore, Hyderabad, Kochi


  • Multiple Contractors (of varying skill levels) at each site
  • Tracking projects across multiple locations and cities

Project Coverage

All Building Finishes (Internal & External) and Handover

Solution Deployed

  • 2-step workflow on the mobile-app, with a 2-tier responsibility (Checker-Fixer)
  • Standardized processes and work-packages across all projects
  • Contractors included as an integral part of the system 

Key Deliverables

  • Automated weekly progress mailers
  • Top Management dashboard with progress and quality metrics
  • Consolidated report with Project Benchmarking
  • Contractor dashboard (with quality issues) and aging information

How FalconBrick helped

  • Contractors held completely accountable for work & issues. Contractors’ billing / payments linked to their performance, as measured on the system
  • Reduction in time & effort in creation of reports. Completely system generated reports (3-4 hours of effort saved every week at each site)
  • Enabled 1-Click senior management review meetings with real-time information
Leading, Bangalore based developer implements FalconBrick solution across 12 projects, achieves improved contractor accountability & performance

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