Transform your construction with Digital Pour Cards

FalconBrick brings you an effective way to execute and record concrete pour progress at site

Why Digital Pour Cards?

 Quick & easy process

No more time-taking, manual signatures needed before doing a concrete pour. System helps you auto-generate pour cards with all details pre-filled.

Real-time Visibility

Track concreting progress in real-time, allowing Project managers, Site supervisors & Contractors to instantly access pour data.

Error-free data input

Eliminate the risk of errors due to manual data entry, ensuring accurate and reliable information for each pour.

Superior Data Analytics

Digitally stored pour-data can be effectively analyzed, enabling quicker decision making & process optimization.

Trusted by Leading developers across 12 cities.

Discover smart construction with us!

Let us know a convenient time to discuss a solution, tailor-made for you.

Falconbrick 2024
